McCurdy Schools of Northern NM Pre-K is a program of McCurdy Schools.It is located at 261 South McCurdy Road, in Espanola, New Mexico. It is located in the west wing of Pilling Hall on the north side of campus. We are licensed through Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD) and hold a star 2 license and follow all state law requirements including all that it entails.We utilize a variety of research based curriculum and a rich culturally based educational program.We support parents and have access to the services of Project Cariño, our site-based mental health counseling program.
Our goal is to provide children with a feeling of belonging, love and respect, self-confidence, consideration of others, the ability to solve problems and the opportunity to express individualism as well as take part in group activities.
We want our students to develop a positive feeling about self, family, school and community.Our program aims at providing our students the opportunity to experience many successes, pursue his/her own interests, and develop as a unique individual at his/her own rate and in their own way.
Our site director has a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction.Our EAs have or are working toward their Associates of Arts in Early Childhood Education.
Fax No. (505)753-7830
Ms. Patricia A. Alvarado, Executive Director – ext. 210
Ms. Sandra V. Archuleta, PreK School Director and Head Teacher – ext. 305