Anansi Day School is a NM PreK funded extended day and a NAEYC 5 star accredited program.

Eligibility for NM PreK: child must have reached their fourth (4th) birthday before 12:01 am September 1, of current year. NM PreK provides opportunities for children families and teachers to ensure best practice through trainings, workshops screenings and ensures a rich play based environment focusing on the New Mexico Early Learning Outcomes and Indicators.

Our goal is to provide a nurturing and supportive environment where children develop a love of learning and acquire a strong foundation on which to build a lifetime of knowledge. Our desire is for children to reach their highest potential. We acknowledge and respond to their learning needs. Anansi is a child-centered school where the well being of our children govern our decisions.

Children possess a wide range of abilities in all developmental areas. Each child is unique and should be allowed to work at his or her own level. The concepts a child learns are a reflection of his or her developmental readiness, not of chronological age. Young children develop the skills to operate independently and to learn to be part of a group. A young child is curious and learns best through a variety of meaningful, active, concrete experiences. Anansi’s curriculum is built upon developmentally appropriate practices that encourage social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of each individual child. Anansi offers a child-centered, integrated curriculum designed to emphasize a hands-on approach to learning and discovery in the following areas: social skills, language and literacy development, large and small motor skills, math, science, problem solving, pre-logical and logical thinking skills, art, music, and movement. Our environment provides a balance of child-initiated and teacher-directed activity with a safe and flexible atmosphere. Children are provided with individual attention, small group activities, and large group experiences throughout the day. Learning takes place in the classroom, outdoors on the playground and frequently expands into the community. The curriculum reflects our trust that children progress and develop when provided with rich experiences, responsive adults, appropriate materials, time, and nurturing



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